- opened a show called ‘And Then A Harrowing’
- sound piece
- bad smartphone pictures
- DIY, lo-fi aesthetic
- disposable camera
- harrow attached to the back of a tractor , destroys the ground for something new to come
- stickers and glitter
- nighttime terrifying monster made from light and chemical processes from disposable camera
- taking pictures with ‘bad cameras’
- strange reactions with chemicals
- putting things next to each other
- dying recycled rags with tumeric and beetroot
- billboard sized prints
- showed work in ‘murder house’
- footage of the arctic from the 1960s that has turned red over time
- didn’t take proper cameras to the arctic just a phone
- short loops
- sounds from the bad technology
My Thoughts:

Linda Stupart's presentation was one of the ones that has interested me the most. The way they presented their work was unique, as they just showed pictures on their desktop rather than creating a Powerpoint, which held my interest as I always had a lot to look at.

Not only this, their work was very captivating and similar to my personal interests; for example the concept of using 'bad' materials and cameras to make artwork.